Privacy Policy.

Brighton Borrowers (BB) is a project of Brighton Library of Things Community Interest Company whose registered office is 8 The Lindens, Canterbury Drive, Brighton, BN2 3FZ.

Why we collect data

We collect information about you when you request to become a member of our community, a borrower from our community, or a follower of our community via our website, email, newsletter sign up links, online catalogue or at one of our events. We collect such data in order to conduct our day-to-day activities, and in order to inform you with your consent of our activities and services. We only collect and keep your information with your consent, we keep it securely, and we will never sell or share your personal information with other organisations without your explicit consent.

Categories of individuals


A company called MyTurn provides the online library of things catalogue that you can use to browse our inventory, reserve items and process transactions. MyTurn also stores the personal information you provide when you create an account to become a borrower, which allows us to maintain a record of borrowers, and contact you if needed. Once you register on the MyTurn system, you become a certified borrower, and at this point we will also hold records on the information about yourself you have provided, including your contact details. This is in order to liaise and meet you if needed. MyTurn’s privacy policy can be found on their website at

In order to borrow items, you will be asked to enter your payment card details in your MyTurn account, as described in our User Agreement. This function is provided Stripe, whose privacy policy can be found on their website at

Mailing list subscribers

We use MailChimp to store the details of, and communicate with, our subscribers. You can view the MailChimp privacy policy here 

Events guests

For the purpose of efficiently organising events, BB may use google forms (stored on Google Cloud) or Eventbrite as a ticket manager. When booking an event ticket via google forms or Eventbrite, personal information such as name, email address or postcode is collected, however this information remains in your ownership. We use this information to communicate with you for providing you an optimal service, or to improve our services based on customer profile. We would not use this information for advertisement purposes or any other purposes mentioned in this privacy policy without your consent. 

Monetary donations

You can donate to Brighton Borrowers in a number of ways. 

If you use the “donate” button on our website, or sign-up via up our website to be a Supporting Member, this transaction will be handled by Stripe.

If you make a donation by credit/debit card in person, this transaction will be handled by Zettle.

Retention Schedules

We will hold your personal data in MyTurn as a borrower until your account is deleted, which can be performed by an administrator if a user requests to no longer to be registered for the service. To do so, email us at

We will hold your personal data as a registered community member in G-Suite until you request to step down from the role and have your personal data deleted at, or after three years of inactivity.

We will hold your personal data as an event guest in Eventbrite for maximum one year, or until you request for it to be removed at


If you visit our website, we may place cookies (small text files) on your computer to collect standard internet log information and visitor behaviour information. This information is used to track visitor use of the website and to compile statistical reports on website activity, to help us monitor the effectiveness of our website. For further information visit or You can set your browser not to accept cookies and the above websites tell you how to remove cookies from your browser.

Your rights

You have a right at any time to stop us from contacting you. You also have the right to request a copy of the information that we hold about you, and you have the right to request that we correct or change any information that you think is inaccurate.

To see any or all of your personal information, update it, correct it or delete any of it, follow the ‘update subscription preferences’ link provided at the bottom of all emails we send you, or email us at

To remove yourself from our list, follow the ‘unsubscribe’ link provided at the bottom of all emails we send you, or contact us at


If you have any concerns about how we use information you provide, please contact us on in the first instance. You can also contact the Information Commissioner’s Office if we do not resolve your concerns.

Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy policies of other sites and we would advise you to read the privacy statement of any website that collects personal information from you.

This policy should comply with the General Data Protection Regulation 2016. We keep our privacy policy under regular review and we will place any updates on this web page. This privacy policy was last updated on 20 March 2023